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Last updated: 06 July 2023
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Image credit: Sor Libchavy

SOR EBN 11 Review ⚡

What is SOR EBN 11?

Technical Specifications, Price and Review on the new SOR EBN 11

SOR EBN 11 price:

US$ 0 *

manufactured in  Czech Republic 
sales start  2021 
range (km)  250 
battery (kWh)  172 
bus type  transit bus 
seats (qty)  33 

* Minimum price set by the manufacturer, excluding taxes and additional options

SOR EBN 11: A Symphony in Electric Bus Engineering

A veritable titan in the echelons of public conveyance, the SOR EBN 11 stepped onto the stage in the year of our Lord, 2021, determined to escort the world of environmentally-conscious travel into a new era. Here's an electric leviathan that doesn’t just whisper but bellows its arrival into the green mobility domain.

SOR EBN 11: Performance Meets Range

Armed with a Herculean 172 kWh battery, the SOR EBN 11 embarks on journeys as long as 250 km on a single charge. Such a leviathan mileage ranks the SOR EBN 11 among the Olympians of electric transit buses, where the marriage of Herculean performance and environmental stewardship is celebrated with great pomp.

The Evolution of Transit Buses: SOR EBN 11

As if sculpted by the deities of transit themselves, the SOR EBN 11 boasts features of futuristic inklings. Accommodating a cohort of 33 passengers, this bus doesn't just carry folks—it carries expectations, surpassing them with grace, thereby etching a new benchmark for public carriers.

SOR EBN 11: Designed for Green Mobility

The core essence of the SOR EBN 11 is its unyielding dedication to emission-free voyages. As a contemporary low-floor electric bus, it's engineered not merely as a vehicle but as a harbinger of green public mobility. Navigating urban mazes or countryside expeditions, it does so not on a whiff of pollutants but on the wings of Zeus, clean and serene.

Beyond Urban Commutes: The Versatile SOR EBN 11

The SOR EBN 11 isn't confined to urban sprawls; its genius lies in its utility beyond the concrete jungles. Whether it’s ferrying tourists to scenic vistas, shepherding nature lovers to protected reserves, or scaling heights to mountain havens, this bus emerges as a chameleon, aptly adapting to varied transportation tapestries.

In the chronicles of transit buses, the SOR EBN 11 stands not just as a mere vehicle but as a monolith, symbolizing a future where transportation and environmental stewardship harmonize, threading a greener narrative for tomorrow. Crafted with meticulous precision in the Czech Republic, this green Goliath is a beacon of hope, heralding an epoch of cleaner, greener commutes.

SOR EBN 11 Video Review

Logo of the Sor Libchavy Manufacturing Company
Video Review on SOR EBN 11
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