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Vinfast VF 9

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Last updated: 31 July 2023
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Image credit: Vinfast

Vinfast VF 9 Review ⚡

What is Vinfast VF 9?

Technical Specifications, Price and Review on the new Vinfast VF 9

Vinfast VF 9 price:

US$ 76000 *

manufactured in  Vietnam 
sales start  2023 
range (km)  579 
battery (kWh)  123 
max. speed (km/h)  200 
0 to100 km/h  6.5 
power (h.p.)  408 
car type  SUV / 5 doors 
drive type  AWD 

* Minimum price set by the manufacturer, excluding taxes and additional options

VinFast VF 9: Redefining Full-Size All-Electric SUVs

Gentlemen and gentlewomen, feast your eyes upon the VinFast VF 9, a behemoth from Vietnam that's forging its path in the all-electric SUV arena. Here's a chariot that not only challenges the status quo but also dares to rewrite the rules of engagement. Let's buckle up and surge forth into the domain of the VF 9, where power marries elegance in an electric embrace.

VinFast VF 9 Specs: Full-Size Powerhouse

What we have here with the VF 9 is a testament to what happens when sheer force meets clean energy. Akin to summoning a tempest at the push of a pedal, this behemoth thunders forth with 408 horsepower courtesy of its dual-motor leviathan. It’s not just about having power; it’s about wielding it with an elegance that belies its might. The all-wheel-drive system isn’t just a feature; it’s a pledge of allegiance to the unwavering command over any landscape that dares stand in its path.

Boundless Exploration: Extended Range

Now, let’s talk about the odyssey, for this SUV doesn’t just invite you on a journey; it dares you to dream farther. With a colossal 123 kWh battery pack nested within its belly, the VF 9 whispers tales of adventures that span 579 kilometers. Dare to venture beyond the horizon, for this beast harbors no fear of the unknown.

Elevating Velocity: High-Speed Performance

But what is power if not unfettered by chains? The VF 9 doesn’t merely move; it dances at a top speed of 200 km/h, all while cradling you in its cocoon of luxury. It’s a symphony of speed and sophistication, where every moment is a note played in perfect pitch.

Sleek Design, Spacious Interior: The Epitome of Luxury

Stepping inside the VF 9 is akin to entering a sanctum of luxury, where space is but the canvas for convenience and comfort. With room enough to seat five souls, this carriage is both a command center and a serene sanctuary, bridging worlds with its expanse and elegance.

Driving with Confidence: Advanced Safety Features

Yet, in the heart of every explorer lies a spark of prudence. The VF 9, armed with an arsenal of safety advancements, stands vigil over every voyage. From forward collision warning to autonomous emergency braking, it is a stalwart guardian, ensuring peace of mind on every escapade.

Automated Precision: Crafting the Future

In the crucible of innovation that is VinFast's manufacturing domain, the VF 9 was forged with precision that only the most sophisticated automation can offer. It's not just manufacturing; it's the art of breathing life into metal, a symphony of machines that composes a future, electric and bold.

A Global Presence: Pre-Orders Now Open

As the curtains draw open, the VF 9 steps forth on the global stage with pre-orders swinging wide in the United States and Europe. With ambitions as vast as the landscapes it yearns to conquer, VinFast is setting its sights far and wide, ushering in an era where distance is but a detail.

Manufacturer: VinFast—A Visionary Force

At the helm of this odyssey is VinFast, a titan whose dreams are etched in the very fabric of tomorrow. With the VF 9 as its herald, VinFast is not just challenging the global automotive cosmo; it's carving its name in the annals of history.

Thus, we stand at the precipice of a new era with the VinFast VF 9 — a chariot of might, luxury, and ambition, beckoning us to redefine not just the roads we traverse, but the very journeys we dream of. With competitive pricing under its belt and advanced features up its sleeve, the VF 9 is ready to set sail across the electric blue yonder.

Vinfast VF 9 Video Review

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Video Review on Vinfast VF 9
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